'A parish church at the heart of our communities, seeing God's heart in everyone.'
Our vision and purpose is shaped by the love of God and our care and concern is for all. We believe God's love is for all - we are all God's children - therefore we want everyone in our communities - young and old - to feel welcome, accepted and affirmed.
We want to share God's love in our daily lives and our worship together. Our worship is for all ages, encompassing a breadth of traditions and styles, aiming to be uplifting and inspiring, engaging and transforming. We are renewed together through music, prayer, reading and listening to God's word,
and sharing communion.

Calveley Chapel
Off Calveley Hall Lane,
Calveley Chapel is located approx 200m up a private road off Calveley Hall Lane. From the A51, take the turning to Wettenhall (Long Lane), take the first right into Calveley Hall Lane, and the private road is located approx 500m to the right.